Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Don't step over dollars to pick up a dime!

Advertising is THE most important driving force in promoting your business.

As entrepreneurs, we often times fail to see that our businesses need more than just our chutzpah to generate more business.

Yes, many businesses are struggling and in some cases, sadly, they are going out of business altogether.

Failing to advertise is like planning to fail. You MUST advertise your business. Efficiently, cost-effectively and in a manner that produces results.

If your competitors are falling away at the wayside, this is an incredible opportunity for you to pick up new business. But how do you reach them?

Vehicle wraps are a segment of the Wide Format printing industry. This portion of the printing industry is expected to grow by an additional $12 Billion by 2011.

This is an enormous amount of growth and there is a very good reason for that. Because businesses both large and small see the value in advertising on their vehicles.

Depending on the business you are in, a vehicle wrap can easily pay for itself within the first 18 months. With the typical wrap lifespan of nearly 60 months, that leaves you with 42 months of pure, pleasurable profit. Not a bad return on your investment.

I know I have said this before, but where can you advertise to the amount of people (between 30-000 and 70,000 daily) your vehicle wrap reaches for less than a couple of dollars each day? The average CPM value for a vehicle wrap is approximately $0.67 which is over 3000% less than television, 2500% less expensive than newspaper and 500% for stationary billboard marketing.

Think about it.